On October 15, “Da Vinci” surgical robot, the most advanced in the world’s surgical field officially landed in Changsha, one each for the Second and Third Xiangya Hospital of CSU respectively and will be applied to operations in general surgery, urology, gynecology, etc.
Produced in the United States, “Da Vinci” surgical robot is the most advanced surgical robot in the world’s surgical field. A total of more than 3000 globally, “Da Vinci” surgical robots are mainly in the United States and the European developed countries. It is the first time for “Da Vinci” surgical robots to be settled in Hunan.
The robot system consists of a surgeon operating system, 4-arm patient cart robotic surgical system and high-definition imaging system. Without contacting with the patient’s body, doctors can directly manipulate the robotic arm surgery through the control panel. Breaking through the limits of human hands, the robot can flexibly operate at 360 degrees in areas that are inaccessible to human hands, and can meanwhile maintain unmatched stability and accuracy. High-definition imaging system provides the three-dimensional high-definition imaging that can be magnified 10 to 15 times through a special lens in the human internal. “Da Vinci” robotic surgical system, mainly used for the minimally invasive treatment of diseases carried by mirrors, is currently mainly applied to minimally invasive surgery in general surgery, urology, etc.
Original Article From: http://en.csu.edu.cn/index/News.htm
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