On May 22nd, the A.M. Turing Award winner, Fellow of the Royal Society, a member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA),Professor Leslie Valiant of Harvard University visited SUFE. Professor Valiant was invited Professor Lu Pinyan, Director of Institute for Theoretical Computer Science. Jiang Chuanhai, President of SUFE, Yue Jinfeng, Dean of the School of Information Management and Engineering (SIME), Wang Shufan, Secretary of the SIME Party committee, and Huang Hailiang, Deputy Dean of the SIME, met with Professor Valiant.
During the meeting, President Jiang Chuanhai extended warm welcome to Professor Valiant and his wife .He introduced SUFE and the development of information science subjects. The two sides carried out a discussion on internationalization, talent policy, foreign student education and other topics.
In the afternoon, Professor Valiant met with teachers and students from ITCS. At the meeting, teachers, visiting scholars and students introduced their research directions and latest research progress .
After the introduction, participants discussed the algorithm game theory with Professor Valiant. Algorithmic game theory is a cross field between theoretical computer science and economics. It studies related problems from a computational perspective. The common points and differences between computer scientists and economists were discussed,some of the core concepts in the field were exchanged, such as Nash equilibrium and approximation ratio.
Then, participants talked about the development of Theoretical Computer Science in recent decades with Professor Valiant. Professor Valiant shared some of his views. He thinks that compared with thirty years ago, the scale and depth of research of theoretical computer science have made great progress. On the one hand, these progress and development are embodied in the number of theoretical computer scientists, on the other hand, in the depth of the research results, more profound tools and techniques have developed in these thirty years, and have also gained more profound results.
Professor Valiant talked about the issues related to machine learning and artificial intelligence.He is one of the founders of Machine Learning Theory. He proposed the famous PAC Learning model in 1984. The participants consulted professor Valiant on some of the questions, including how to look at Turing test, and whether there might be a good theoretical model in the future to explain deep learning.
The meeting ended in a cheerful atmosphere. Professor Leslie Valiant thanked the institute for its invitation, and the participants expressed gratitude for the generous sharing of Professor Leslie Valiant.