On June 30, 2016, President XU Anlong signed on behalf of BUCM, a cooperative agreement with Dr. Julia, representative of HLA et Médecine– Systemoscope (Jean Dausset Lab Network), Dr. Charles Aufray of European Institute of System Biology and Medicine ( headquartered in France), and President Jean-Pierre Armand of PreciMed (PreciMed European Platform), marking a milestone in TCM globalization.
This cooperation aims to research into the mechanism of the clinical efficacy of TCM by means of modern precision medicine, especially into the assessment of efficacy of TCM on major health-threatening diseases and to make breakthroughs in the reduction of adverse reaction of biomedicine, improvement of patients’ quality of life, and extension of patients’ life span. In this way, the strengths of both TCM and biomedicine can be used to safeguard human health in accordance with the patient-oriented medical philosophy.
Within this cooperative framework, a China-France Oncology Research Center will be established first and a China-France TCM Development Center at BUCM will be set up later. Academic and research exchanges will be made possible by means of international conferences, academic seminars, informal meetings, and lectures, offering opportunities for learning and exchanges of researchers, teachers and postgraduate students. A platform for clinical and experimental research will be established for the treatment of cancer and other serious diseases by means of integration of TCM and Western medicine. This project will set an example for TCM education, clinical research, medical service, cultural inheritance, innovation, and globalization.
The four participants in the cooperative project all enjoy great strengths in their respective fields and can complement each other in a conducive way. As an exclusive top university of Chinese medicine listed under the Project 985 and Project 211, BUCM will play a leading role in the collaboration with its distinctive TCM features. Meanwhile, the project will make full use of the competitive edge in research of biomedicine of HLA et Médecine – Systemoscope (Jean Dausset Lab Network) and European Institute of System Biology and Medicine, and the clinical strength of PreciMed (PreciMed European Platform) in oncology to improve the level of cooperation and make contribution to TCM globalization and human health.
Original Article From: http://english.bucm.edu.cn/news/index.htm
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