On 18th October, the Party Secretary, Chairman of the University Council, Prof. CAO Guoyong, met with the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Andrew Atherton, and the Pro Vice Chancellor, Steve Bradley, from Lancaster University.
CAO welcomed the delegation and appreciated the efforts devoted and the achievements made by both universities so far in the establishment of Beijing Jiaotong University-Lancaster University College. He introduced the discipline of BJTU selected into Double-First-Class Initiative. He hopes based on the current cooperation, the two universities should strengthen mutual communication, continue to explore new cooperation fields and create new cooperation models, so as to facilitate our cooperation to enter a new stage.
Andrew Atherton appreciated the reception of BJTU. He agrees that the two universities should increase the faculty exchange and the visit of Lancaster teachers and students to BJTU will also be encouraged. He hopes that the two universities will work together more closely, overcome the difficulties we are faced with and build the University College as a nationally first-class China-Foreign joint running school.
Vice President GUAN Zhongliagn and Vice President LIU Jun held a working meeting with the delegation and discussed the issues including student exchange, international recruitment, research cooperation and the development plan of the University College. After the meeting, the Office of Research organised a meeting with relevant professors from several schools to discuss the details of research cooperation.
The principals of School of Economics and Management, Office of Resesarch, Office of International Affairs, Centre for International Education attended the above events.
Original Article From: http://en.njtu.edu.cn/news_20161201183223846124/index.htm
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