On May 10th, 2016, a delegation from Lithuania Sports University, headed by its director of Foreign Affairs Office Irena Cikotiena, visited Beijing Sport University. Director Jin Xiaoping of Foreign Affairs Office of BSU warmly welcomed the delegation and discussed the issues about exchange of students and teachers, cooperation of scientific research and especially the Erasmus Mundus Programme between two universities. Erasmus Mundus Programme is a program fully funded by EU. The preliminary work of the program between two schools at present are in preparing and the first visiting group of students and teachers are expected to perform in September this year. If the program successfully cooperate, several students and teachers may go to Lithuania Sports University to study for free in five consecutive years, which will be funded by EU. After the meeting, the delegation visited the National Training Base, Tennis Complex and Sport Science Research Center in the school.
Original Article From: https://english.cueb.edu.cn/news/index.html
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