If you ever talk to Kawin, your first impression will be that you are absolutely wowed at his proficiency in Chinese, and you will completely forget that he is Chinese Thai within 5 minutes.
Actually, Kawin moved to Haikou, Hainan province when he was 6 years old, and entered a Chinese primary school exactly as his Chinese peers. Before primary school, he only learned a few Chinese words idly from his father at home. So when first entering school, he could hardly understand his half-mother tongue. After one or two years, that he could catch up with his peers and fit in the language environment. Ever since, he can totally understand all aspects of Chinese, catching the nuances like a native speaker. Sometimes I feel that my Chinese outperforms my Thai, said Kawin, and it takes some time for me to resume speaking Thai. This understanding penetrates into more than language, he has reached accepted an in-between state of cultural recognition: in the middle of that of a native Chinese and an outsider, where he can naturally embrace and appreciate the diversity of cultures with an open mind. As the Chinese saying goes, “取其精华,去其糟粕” ( Qu qi Jinhua, Qu qi Zaopo ) (Take the best and leave the rest.)
Kawin was named the champion of the Top Ten Singers of the International Cultural Exchange School (ICES) in his freshman year, since which he has staged a lot of shows on campus and other university music festivals, and he performed his music in live a music bar for a while. Music talent runs in his family. Kawin’s father was an instrumentalist at a Qiong Opera (the local opera of Hainan) troupe, and his mother, as a Thai herself, was a Qiong Opera actress. On top of that, Kawin’s elder sister is a professionally trained musician. The family atmosphere imparted Kawin with a keen sense of good tune, and he learned to play the keyboard when he was a little boy.
Kawin has been a dedicated member at the international students’ union for 3 years, especially contributing to the student activity department. He was elected the Head of the Activity Department last year, and now is Chair of the International Student Union. It is admirable that he has both the profound insights into the value of the student union and a detail-orientated workstyle.
The international students union should serve as a platform where foreigners can have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and fit in the campus. Therefore, the Chinese language dominates the publicity of student union activities, and they consciously employ communication in Chinese at work to improve the language skill of the staff. Kawin expects the international students’ union to enhance its influence and make greater impacts on intercultural communication among international students in Shanghai. In the path towards the mission, the SUFE International Student Union organized the Shanghai International Student Union Development Summit in 2017.
Kawin is a perfectionist at work. He is exerting himself to build the students’ union into a more professional organization, with hopes of surpassing the previous achievements of his former leaders as well as himself. By professional, he means that the students’ activities should put through the concept of the theme with a well thought out design and plan, rather than roughly superficial connections. Such devotions are indeed detail focused. When preparing for the New Years Party with the theme Old Shanghai, in order to amp up the atmosphere, he together with the planning team searched the whole of Shanghai to rent a rickshaw, and took great trouble to deliver the cart. And to perfect the opening video of the International Culture Festival, he spent 3 whole days and nights with his co-worker, editing and refining over and over.
Another thing to mention is that he is also a considerate class monitor. He stood out with his fluent Chinese during the orientation of the class, on top of that, others noticed his taking note of the information in everyone’s personal introduction and felt special. Therefore, he was then elected the monitor on the first day of university. He takes care of his classmates like a loving parent, and helps them with a variety of detail items such as selecting the courses.
It comes as no surprise that Kawin should keep an extremely full schedule of study, competition, and Student Union work. I have barely time for rest on weekends. He has developed a highly efficient time management system through 3 years of. Being busy like a bee. Given that most of the time after classes is assigned to the Student Union, he has to concentrate intently on the course in class, and make use of all his fragmented time to address the work bit by bit.
Majoring in International Trade, he finds his curriculum highly satisfactory and believes it empowers him with down-to-earth skills. '经管机'(Jingguanji) (Economic Management of the Computer Application) should be quite applicable at work. Yet he has set up his mind to study further, and expects to take a master’s program at SUFE.
Kawin has a strong attachment to Shanghai. Shanghai is a very open city featuring the inclusion of diverse cultures, even compared to Bangkok.’ He highly values his academic and cultural interactions with students of different backgrounds in Shanghai, from which he perceived a sense of fulfillment at university. It comes as no surprise that he would like to settle down here in Shanghai. I would probably start up a hotel business in China. Actually Kawin and his elder sister have built the hotel brand you in Chiang Mai with 3 beautiful featured inns. Hopefully, there will be more chic hotels started by this innovative entrepreneur who pursues perfection.