The website of Nature Index on August 31 updated its index table showing that in 2017, Nanjing University ranks the 17th among global scientific research institutions, the 12th among world universities, the 3rd among the Asia-Pacific universities and the 2nd among mainland Chinese universities.
The index of Nanjing University increased by 4.4% (252.44 - 263.67) from 2015 to 2016, and this year, its rankings have also steadily improved (in 2016, Nanjing University ranked the 25th among global scientific research institutions, the 20th among world universities, and the 4th among the Asia-Pacific universities).
In the field of chemistry
In the field of chemistry, Nanjing University ranks the 6th among global scientific research institutions, the 3rd among world universities, and the 2nd among Chinese universities. Its index increased by 0.7% (151.89 - 152.91) from 2015 to 2016.
In the field of physics
In the field of physics, Nanjing University greatly improved its rankings, that is, the 17th among global institutions, and the 3rd among Chinese universities. Its index increased by 28.1% (81.25 - 104.11) from 2015 to 2016, and its growth was the highest among the top 20 institutions.
In the field of earth and environmental sciences
In comparison with its standing in chemistry, China is relatively weak in the field of earth and environmental sciences. Next to the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing University is the highest-ranking Chinese institution, ranking the 41st among global institutions and the 1st among Chinese universities. Its index increased by 15.6% (15.99 - 18.48) from 2015 to 2016.
On this year’s table, 71 Chinese institutions rank among the world’s top 500, 44 of which rank higher than they did last year and 13 of which rank among the world’s top 100, namely Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, Nanjing University, Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Nankai University, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen University, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Soochow University.
“The continuously improved performance of China in Nature Index and an increasing number of Chinese institutions entering the index show that China has been further producing high quality research outputs based on the solid foundation laid over the last decade,” commented David Swinbanks, the founder of Nature Index.
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