On the 3rd April, RUC opened the 2019 meeting aimed at establishing a national high-level think tank. At the meeting prizes were awarded recognising departments and persons who had made major contributions to the work so far, and the most recent ideas were shared with those present.
Party Secretary for RUC, JIN Nuo and President LIU Wei made speeches, whilst other members of high-ranking Party and university staff were in attendance.
JIN Nuo represented the school in offering thanks to the members of staff involved in the serious task of establishing the think tank for their efforts and in addition offered her congratulations to the staff members who received awards. She highlighted that the significance of the meeting lay in building on the initial accomplishments and planning for the following stages of work to be done. A process that has already won praise from several quarters, but during which it is important to focus on quality and long-term goals.
President LIU Wei reminded us that over the past three years much has been done for the establishment of the think tank, involving the close cooperation of the School for National Development and various departments and schools at RUC. The think tank will become a platform for many schools and departments at RUC in the future for the sharing of resources, with a special emphasis being laid upon inter-disciplinary research.
The School for National Development at RUC was established in 2013 and selected for consideration as a think tank institution in 2015. By 2018 it stood at top place in the National rankings of the top one hundred Chinese university think tanks.
Representatives of departments receiving awards speaking at the meeting included staff from International Relations, National Development and Strategy, and Economics who spoke about their feelings on receiving their awards and in think tank related work.
Original Article From: https://www.ruc.edu.cn/archives/category/englishnews/highlights
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