On the 14th November, Renmin University China (RUC) held the opening ceremony of the 10th Young Teaching Staff Basic Skills Competition and Forum, marking the official opening of the competition. The opening was attended by representatives from RUC’s Party Committee, the Post Graduate Offices, Teaching Services, Human Resources and other such areas, as well as experts, a panel of judges, and the competing teaching staff.
The conclusion of the opening ceremony marked the opening of the forum, wherein previous recipients of competition prizes shared their experiences, and presented their prize-winning class plans and teaching styles.
For the training portion of the forum, training was given on aspects such as teaching staff’s personal presentation in the classroom, and multi-media teaching methods, including the best use of PowerPoint presentations.
RUC has held 9 such competitions in the past, starting in the year 1998, with excellent results in encouraging young teachers to focus on their teaching skills. Taking part in this year’s competition were 37 members of staff from 22 departments, with an average age of 35, with actual ages ranging from 29-39 years of age, of whom 20 were male and 17 were female members of staff.
Original Article From: https://www.ruc.edu.cn/archives/category/englishnews/highlights
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