On November 17th, President Yu Zhigang of Ocean University of China (OUC) met with a delegation from Texas A&M University in OUC’s Xingyuan Building to discuss jointly founding a new research center.
President Yu extended his welcome to the delegation. He said that Texas A&M University is a strategic partner of OUC and that by setting up a joint research center, the two universities will be able to enjoy a more wide-ranging level of cooperation. He also pledged OUC’s best efforts in supporting the establishment of the center.
Vice President Michael Benedik of Texas A&M University expressed his thanks for OUC’s warm welcome and reiterated his support for the joint research center. He stated that working together in this way would bring together the two sides’ cooperation in terms of scientific research and student education, and lead to an increasingly strong relationship.
Prof. Lin Xiaopei, Vice Director of the OUC key laboratory of physical oceanography, under the Chinese Ministry of Education, gave a review of the work undertaken in the past year to build the joint center. The group then discussed in detail the areas of cooperation and joint education programs that will be involved.
Original Article From: http://eweb.ouc.edu.cn/news/list.htm
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