On May 9th, Prof. Philip Eijlander, Rector Magnificus of Tilburg University (TU); Petra Bergsma, Head of the International Relations Office at the Tilburg School of Humanities;and Sandra Rincon, Director of International Alumni Relaitions, led a delegation of four to visit SDU.
Vice-President Zhang Yun briefed the guests on SDU's recent international development. Zhang expressed his appreciation for TU's cooperation regarding student and scholar exchange programs. Eijlander recalled his two visits to SDU in 2006 and 2008 and rejoiced in the achievements made through exchanges with SDU. Eijlander hoped that both universities would explore a new area of cooperation and expand exchanges to include other fields of study.
During their stay, members of the delegation held meetings with representatives from SDU's Law School,School of Philosophy and Social Development, Alumni Office, and International Office. They exchanged ideas on joint education programs, programs taught in English, teachers'exchange, co-sponsored symposiums and fundraising for such programs.
The TU delegation members also participated in the events of "Holland Day". In the events, representatives from the Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education (NUFFIC) and the Netherlands Business Support Office (NESO) introduced information about education, science and technology, tourism, and trade investment in Holland.
SDU and TU signed a cooperative agreement in 2004 and renewed it in 2008. The two universities have engaged in teacher and student exchange programs, the Master's "1+1" program, as well as scientific research between their schools of economics.
Original Article From: http://www.en.sdu.edu.cn/News.htm
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