On June 12, Ju Tao, Vice Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science,Washington University in St. Louis (WashU), also an ambassador of McDonnell International Scholars Academy, paid a visit to SDU and signed an agreement on Joint Education Program (JEP) for undergraduate students with Taishan College.
Wu Zhen, Director of SDU Personnel Department and Managing Vice Dean of Taishan College, Liu Zhenmei, Vice Dean of Taishan College, Jiang Hongmin, Vice Director of the Department of International Affairs and professors of the Taishan College attended the activity. The two sides communicated on future collaboration. Ju also gave a lecture to SDU students after the ceremony.
According to the agreement, up to six students in the third year of their undergraduate program from Taishan College may be admitted to the JEP each year and will be enrolled for a full academic year with no tuition fees at WashU. Students selected for this program will join WashU in the summer before fall courses. The students who excel during the summer research may be enrolled as PhD candidates of WashU in the fall of the same year through fast-track application and enjoy benefits.
Original Article From: http://www.en.sdu.edu.cn/News.htm
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