An ECNU research team led by Prof. Li Daoji was invited to attend the fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-4) held from March 11-15 in Nairobi, Kenya. Prof. Li is a marine environment expert and professor at ECNU Plastic Marine Debris Research Center and the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research. His co-researchers are also invited to participate in UNEA-4 extended by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Professor Li Daoji delivers speeech at the UN Environment Assembly.
Li unveiled his white paper on methodological assessments of monitoring vulnerable areas of marine littering at a technical consultation hosted by Clean Seas Tent on March 12, a project funded by UNEP.
In his address to experts on environmental protection and representatives from UNEP member states and international organizations, Li gave a detailed introduction to the basic content of the white paper, and exchanged views with the attendees.
Professor Li's team member unveiled the white paper on methodological assessments of monitoring vulnerable areas of marine littering.
The speech was heard by many high-level figures, such as Peter Kershaw, chairman of GESAMP (Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution) WG-40; Joan Fabres, a senior expert of GRID-Arendal; David Osborne, head of the Division of IAEA Environment Laboratories; Jerker Tamelander, Interim Coordinator of the Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA); and Laura Parker, a senior contributor to the National Geographic.
Li’s white paper aims to provide scientific-based instructions on the identification and characterization of vulnerable areas for marine littering, meanwhile it generates reliable data and information to governments, private sectors and local communities. In effect, it prioritizes action responses and eliminates subsequent generations of marine littering.
The experts concur that the white paper is significant to the decision-making process in global marine littering control and prevention. They also put forward recommendations and suggestions on future work regarding the methodology and its potential applications for monitoring and recovery.
The United Nations Environment Assembly is the world’s highest-level decision-making body on environmental concerns and implementations for global environmental protection.
Professor Li's team was interviewed by National Geographic's senior writer Laura Parker.
Under its theme Innovative Solutions for Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Consumption and Production the fourth session of the UN Environment Assembly focused on innovation in solving many of today’s pressing environmental challenges, as well as ways to accelerate sustainable development. At the meeting, a Clean Seas Tent was built in order to raise the awareness of marine plastic littering and microplastics pollution.