The XXXIV SELL Student Games in Tartu ended on May 20th, Republic of Estonia. There are 12 men and 7 women participants at the Chess games from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and from China. China was the farthest competing country at the SELL games. China chess team formed all by SUFE students won the first place both in men's and women’s category.
In men’s category Lu Shanglei won the first place, the second place went to World Junior Champion Wang Chen and the third place was won by Wang Yiye. Wang Chen who got second place this time was first time at SELL Games and he liked the Games much. He expected first place and was little bit disappointed but next time will be better.
The first place in women’s chess was won by SUFE student Ni Shiqun, second place went to Zhai Mo and the third place went to Vanagaite Giedre from Lithuania.